Dyno tuning is no longer an option, it’s part of the build now a days. In the old days we had carburetor’s that normally had three, or less, fueling circuits and fueled both cylinders from that one carb. If the jetting was off, the bike would respond by running terrible, so you simply replaced a jet until you got a satisfactory response from the engine. If you could afford a Dyno tune on a Carbureted bike, the fuel mixture could be adjusted much faster than the ‘’hit and miss’’ process of changing jets by the seat of your pants.
Today we have fuel injection that fuels each cylinder separately. Each cylinder has around 275 fuel delivery circuits in the VE Tables that need to be adjusted for the targeted AFR……that’s 550 adjustments needed for both cylinders vs the 3 adjustments in a carbureted bike.

These adjustments are based on Throttle Position, RPM, and MAP load. You can install a map in an EFI bike that is close to your configuration, and the bike should run, however, is it too rich or too lean in any of these 550 areas? The bike might be perfect at 3500 rpm and 25% throttle and at the same time too lean at 3300 rpm at 20% throttle, or too rich else-where, just for an example. Just because the bike runs does not mean it is running fine at every Throttle Position and RPM…….you can be doing damage to your investment and not even know it.
You can NOT trust the seat of the pants process anymore……you MUST have a PROPER dyno tune with good software to set the fuel delivery in each and every Throttle Position, RPM, and MAP load, to assure your machine is being fed correctly. The byproduct of a well-tuned engine is, it will run smoother throughout the complete RPM range, it will run cooler, it will produce more power, and better throttle response throughout the power band! In other words, the bike, your bike, will be a HAPPY bike!!!!!
It doesn’t matter if it is a stock bike or a stage 5……EFI bikes need to have a proper tune in it.
Call us at 352-404-6999, to make your appointment to make your bike a HAPPY bike, you won’t regret it.